Who we are

Passwordless Alliance

The Passwordless Alliance aims to advance the passwordless world by providing free passwordless software to B2C online services worldwide.

Passwordless X1280 software, provided by the Passwordless Alliance, is a technology defined as X.1280 by ITU-T, the International Technology Standardization Organization under the United Nations. It allows online services to present an automatic password to the user, and the user confirms it with their smartphone, instead of the user entering the password and online services confirming it.

We want to create a password-free, secure, and convenient digitized world by letting online services take over the responsibility of proving passwords instead of users memorizing and changing them. Join us in creating a passwordless world!

What we do

For B2C Online Services

For Local Tech Association and Related Authorities

For Software Developers and IT Companies

For Software Academy and Educational Institution

Member Type and Tier

Member Type Member Role Tier
Service Member Organizations or companies providing Passwordless X1280 services on their online services

Eligibility – Companies or organizations operating public and publicly accessible online services targeting end users(Customer)

(Note: This cannot be applied as security software for online services targeting internal staff, partner staff, consultants, agents, etc., of a company or organization. For example, it can be applied to users from whom the operating company or organization receives money or to users who do not pay, but it cannot be used for users who are paid by the company or organization operating the online service.)
Depending on the participation of Service Members, it is divided into three levels: Basic Service Member, Advanced Service Member, and Principal Service Member
Trust Member Promotion and distribution of Passwordless software(Passwordless X1280) within the region
Verify that the entity submitting the Passwordless service application is the actual business operator and approve the issuance of the Passwordless X1280 software license
Review the online service applying for the Passwordless certificate

Eligibility - National institutions, associations approved by the state, associations that have established international standard technology, or organizations invited by the Passwordless Alliance
Depending on the participation of Trust Members, it is divided into three levels: Basic Trust Member, Advanced Trust Member, and Principal Trust Member.
Tech Member When an online service member cannot independently install Passwordless X1280, a software company can install and integrate Passwordless X1280 on behalf of the online service member (however, the Tech Member may charge the online service member a separate development fee)

Eligibility - A software development company that applies the X1280 software to actual online services and provides manpower services to meet the requirements for receiving passwordless certificates or a software development company that has certified developers from educational members.
Based on the participation of Tech Members, they are divided into three levels: Basic Tech Member, Advanced Tech Member, and Principal Tech Member.
Education Member A training institution with the facilities and capabilities to provide software developers with the installation and application training for Passwordless X1280 software.

Eligibility - A software training institution in the region that has received a Passwordless Certificate for its own online service.
No member level distinction
End User Member Individual user who has installed the Passwordless X1280 mobile app on their smartphone No member level distinction
Steering Member Decide on business, technical, and operational plans for the Passwordless Alliance
Develop technical training curriculum for Passwordless X1280 software
Promote exchanges and cooperation with various standard technologies and technical communities

Eligibility - Founding member of the Passwordless Alliance or an institution providing an annual special project fund.
No member level distinction

Role Structure Diagram for members

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions about the Passwordless Alliance, please refer to the FAQ or contact us.